Sunday, January 5, 2014

So I Needed a Project

I've been looking for a project for 2014.  Something that is NOT work related.  NOT relationship related.  NOT house related.  So, in one of my organizational fits this week, I found myself in the age old search for covers for random CDs left in random places and also searching for CDs with empty cases left on our CD shelves.  In the process I realized CDs are so....well...yesterday.  I don't think I have pulled one out to listen in at least 2 years if not longer and our collection is just gathering dust in the corner.

Disclaimer: I am NOT a music afiscianado.  In fact, my husband is frankly embarrassed by much of my collection.  But over 30+ years I invested enough time and money into selecting and purchasing these musical collections that I think it at least deserves a moment (or year) of reflection before ridding myself of the dust-gathering collection.  Plus, like I said, I've been looking for a project.

So here it is:
365 Days of Music (300 or so CDs)
A journey through our CD collection 

I will post a picture of the CD cover and annotate by artist, genre, year of publication, and title.  If I can actually recall who I was or what I was doing when I took ownership of the album I will add a few reflections.  And then I will listen...from start to finish without interruption and add some comments on tracks, memories, current "like" factor, etc.  After listening I will make a decision to buy (moving to digital), to donate (hello local library!) or to trash (damaged or just too bad to even share).

STAY TUNED! (pun intended)


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